Monday, April 9, 2012
Why Joshua Pastore Believes in Drama Programs
When he was a student in high school, Joshua Pastore developed an abiding passion for the theatre. He enjoyed being on stage, soaking up the spotlight, but he also enjoyed building sets and just being in the presence of a live audience when the curtain went up. It was a visceral feeling, and it's not something Joshua Pastore will ever grow out of. But while plays can be entertaining, they can also be quite instructive and helpful for people who want to have successful careers. In fact, according to Joshua Pastore, his participation in drama programs is likely to be key to his success in the work of business as an adult.
To be successful in business, a person must have an inner sense of confidence. People who seem calm and collected are reassuring, and it's easier to work with them, buy from them and trust them. While some people may be born with this sort of confidence, other people can learn it through drama, Joshua Pastore says. Each time they're on stage, they're selling their own skills to an unwilling audience. They must learn to project confidence and likeability. These are skills that will be invaluable in business.
In addition, modern business executives are expected to be articulate. They mustn't mumble and mutter, and they absolutely cannot swear or stutter. In the past, people learned these elocution lessons in school as part of their English classes. Now, according to Joshua Pastore, they learn them in their drama classes. By memorizing lines and delivering them well, they master the public speaking skills they'll need in their careers.
Participating in a play also means learning the finer points of teamwork. Players can't step on each other's lines, stand in the wrong place, demand attention when it isn't needed or hog the spotlight. They learn to share, and while they could learn this in sports, not all kids do well in sports. Drama provides another venue for those lessons, according to Joshua Pastore.
So while plays might seem fun and entertaining, they're also a way to learn valuable skills, says Joshua Pastore, and more kids should be encouraged to participate.